Polyrhachis dives
[Silk-nesting Weaver Ant]
Classification: | Kingdom: Animalia | Phylum: Arthropoda | Class: Insecta | Order: Hymenoptera | Family: Formicidae | Genus: Polyrhachis |
This ant constructs its nest on the leaves of plants. The nests are relatively small, usually on a single leaf or the most in between 2 leaves. So far, I had seen the nest on Elaeocarpus mastersii (Small-leaf Oil Fruit), Suregada multiflora (Limau Hantu), Cinnamomum iners (Wild Cinnamon), Tetracera indica (Akar Mempelas) and Cynometra ramiflora (Katong Laut). According to the AntWiki website, this ant is found in Singapore. However, its body colour is supposed to be black. The ones that I saw were mostly reddish brown.